Katarzyna Podżorska
The 5AXIS methodology provides an effective tool for a thorough and objective evaluation of various types of products and services. Based on independent testing at the ITURRI laboratory, it allows you to take into account the specific needs and requirements of employees and the working environment in which they will be used.
The 5AXIS 5-step process allows you to conduct a security audit in accordance with a design thinking methodology. This approach focuses on creating innovative and useful solutions by understanding user needs, defining problems, generating ideas and prototyping solutions. The result of these activities is finding answers to the expectations and challenges faced by employees.
In this approach, an important element is to conduct research and analysis in order to collect objective data from which to assess what changes should be made and which will be most effective. Once the data has been collected and analyzed, then comes the step of implementing the best solutions and monitoring the effectiveness of the changes made. All these steps should be carried out in an iterative manner, with ongoing dialogue with employees and other stakeholders.
The first step in the 5AXIS methodology is to skillfully ask pertinent questions and listen to feedback, allowing all challenges to be more fully defined. This diagnosis lays the foundation for further action, enabling the identification of areas for improvement
We then move to the stage of designing solutions that reflect the five coordinates contained in the 5AXIS model. Design is based on an in-depth understanding of user needs and problem definition, leading to the generation of innovative ideas.
The developed solutions are then tested in a real-world user environment. This stage allows evaluation of the effectiveness and usability of the proposed solutions and allows for possible adjustments.
Successful testing is followed by the stage of implementing the designed solutions into reality. The implementation process requires cooperation with various company departments and the provision of adequate technical and training support for employees.
The final stage of the 5AXIS process involves monitoring the effectiveness of the implemented solutions. Regular verification makes it possible to assess whether the implemented changes have had the expected effect and to what extent they have met the objectives.
All in all, the 5AXIS methodology is an indispensable tool that not only contributes to improving the safety and efficiency of corporate operations, but also promotes the continuous pursuit of improvement and innovation in the work environment.