
Chemical Protection: The Danger of misunderstanding PPE standards

  Martin Lill CE certification is important proof that PPE has been rigorously and independently tested to meet minimum performance standards. However, failure to properly understand individual…

Dangerous effects of nanoparticles and the BLS EPI4Nano project

  Elena Piccinini   Nanoparticles are a topic that has been discussed for years. Under certain conditions, exposure to nanoparticles that are too small for the human body’s natural…

5AXIS Auditor’s Manifesto: Foundations of the auditor’s work under the 5AXIS methodology

Katarzyna Podżorska With rapid change and increasing complexity in today's world, the role of the auditor takes on special importance. To meet these challenges, auditors must operate on the basis…

5AXIS 5-step process

Katarzyna Podżorska The 5AXIS methodology provides an effective tool for a thorough and objective evaluation of various types of products and services. Based on independent testing at the ITURRI…


Why comfort makes us more effective and how the lack of it affects us, explains Juan Francisco Iturri.


Running a business is inseparably associated with taking care of broadly understood costs. Yolanda Martinez talks about how choosing sustainable solutions translates into reducing financial and…


Does the appearance of workwear translate into the safety of employees and how does it affect the image of the company, says Javier Reina.


Javier Munoz explains why we should start the selection process from knowing the needs, what to consider when making decisions and what is the importance of functionality.

Sustainable development

Sustainability is not just a trend of the moment, a pending project, nor is it philanthropy. The role of the modern leader is to make decisions without ever losing sight of the greater purpose.…